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Coperolo Valley

  • 2020-04-12 08:04 AM
  • Туризм и путешествия в Анталии, Турция

Koprulu Valley is one of the most beautiful tourist destinations in natural Antalya, and the valley is the perfect place for water sports enthusiasts, camping trips and recreation in the nature.

The valley is located in the city of Antalya, in Manfghat, and the size of the valley is approximately 360 square kilometers, and its depth is about 400 meters, making it one of the largest natural places in the city.

One of the activities that the Cobro Valley offers to its visitors is swimming in its clear and clear waters, as well as rowing which can be practiced somewhere less, in addition to the options of camping, sitting, and meditating on the magic of nature in the place.

Visitors can also take a walk among the trees and see many wild animals, or sit in one of the restaurants or cafes in the place, which offer the most delicious and delicious Turkish dishes and drinks with amazing views of the river.

Доллар США
Доллар США
  • 0.921
  • 36.609
    Турецкая лира
    Турецкая лира
  • 0.772
    Английский фунт
    Английский фунт
  • 0.709 JOD
    Иорданский динар
    Иорданский динар
  • 3.673 AED
    Дирхам ОАЭ
    Дирхам ОАЭ
  • 1,309.860 IQD
    Иракский динар
    Иракский динар
  • 133.716 DZD
    Алжирский динар
    Алжирский динар
  • 3.751 SAR
    Саудовский риал
    Саудовский риал