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Tourism and travel in Antalya, Turkey

Vehicles registered in Antalya

The number of vehicles registered in traffic in "Antalya" was counted with (1,387,025) vehicles, to be the fourth in Turkey after "Istanbul", "Ankara" and "Izmir", of which approximately (648) thousand cars, (20) thousand minibuses, (12) thousand buses, (225) pickup trucks, (29) thousand trucks, (392) thousand motorcycles, (4) thousand private vehicles, and (60) thousand tractors.
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Tourists in Antalya

While the total number of tourists who entered "Antalya" by air within the past seven months reached (8,184,089) tourists, the Russians topped the list of nationalities (1,853,879) tourists, followed by the Germans (1,638,603) tourists, and the British (716,991) tourists.
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European Basketball in Antalya

The city of "Antalya" was chosen by the European Basketball Association to host the Champions League finals for clubs, which was set from (24) September to (1) October, and (25) teams participate.
To Antalya Real Estate Company 
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A big fire broke out in Kemer

According to the Turkish Minister of Tourism, the fire emergency team, consisting of (1050) personnel, more than (200) vehicles, (10) aircraft and (22) helicopters, managed to contain the fire that broke out late yesterday evening in "Kemer" in " Antalya," and praised their efforts, and the capabilities of the Turkish emergency teams to deal with crises.#Tu Antalya Real Estate Company((We put Antalya in your hands))

Istanbul International Airport and Antalya International Airport promise additional large numbers for this year

Istanbul International Airport and Antalya International Airport exceed their tourism performance in the pre-pandemic period, with high and promising rates, and air traffic statistics at the two airports are very good at the European and international levels, and the continued flow of tourists at this high level promises additional large numbers for this year.
To Antalya Real Estate Company 
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Summer Schools in Antalya

Summer sports schools in Konyaalti in Antalya began to register for children between the ages of seven and fifteen years, to make the most of the holiday period, in addition to the physical and mental activity provided by sport necessary at this age.
To Antalya Real Estate Company 
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Hundreds of acres used by Turkish carpet makers in Antalya

Hundreds of acres, which radiate bright and attractive colors, are used by handmade Turkish carpet makers in "Antalya", specifically the "Doşemeleti" area, which is famous for the manufacture of this craft, as it is washed and spread under the sun, which contributes to sterilizing it and giving it a better color.
To Antalya Real Estate Company
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Public transport fares rise

Public transport fares increased by (56%) in line with the decision taken by the municipality of "Antalya", where the full tariff increased from (9.60) Turkish liras to (15) liras, while student fees increased from (4) liras to (6.5) liras, and the reduced tariff increased from (8.40) liras to (14) liras, and the decision will be implemented as of Friday morning (July 21).
To Antalya Real Estate Company 
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Antalya has achieved a promising increase in its tourism data

"Antalya" achieved a significant increase and a promising boom in its tourism data for this time of the year, as it received only by air (7.5) million passengers, from the first of (January) until yesterday's date, and an increase of up to (25%), compared to the same period last year.
To Antalya Real Estate Company 
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Showing 46-54 of 522 items.
US Dollar
US Dollar
  • 0.932
  • 32.400
    Turkish Lira
    Turkish Lira
  • 0.798
    British Pound
    British Pound
  • 0.709 JOD
    Jordanian Dinar
    Jordanian Dinar
  • 3.673 AED
    UAE Dirham
    UAE Dirham
  • 1,310.000 IQD
    Iraqi Dinar
    Iraqi Dinar
  • 134.499 DZD
    Algerian Dinar
    Algerian Dinar
  • 3.750 SAR
    Saudi Riyal
    Saudi Riyal