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افضل السياحات في العالم

  • 2020-04-15 03:04 AM
  • Туризм и путешествия в Анталии, Турция

Winter tourism in Antalya!

Of course, as there is a summer vacation, there is a winter vacation, so the tourism experience in Antalya in the winter may be an experience that has a special charm, especially if you are a fan of winter and winter tourism in Turkey .. you should put the wonderful winter of Antalya at the front of your interests.

Antalya in the winter and tourism has its own charm, far from it is one of the most beautiful tourist places in the world, but it is in the winter it becomes the most beautiful at all, and the best witness to this talk is experience, it is the best evidence.

If you go to Antalya in the winter you will be convinced that you are already in a white paradise due to the splendor of snow and ice that is amazingly widespread in the country, as it is one of the most beautiful areas that winter gives to a special nature, but many do not know that.

Tourism in Antalya in the winter is a mixture of skiing, the enjoyment of scenic sights and the splendor of hiking amidst the beauty of nature, where the peaks of the Taurus Mountains wear snow white, during the months of winter, until the end of spring and enter the summer

Доллар США
Доллар США
  • 1.000
  • 1.000
    Турецкая лира
    Турецкая лира
  • 1.000
    Английский фунт
    Английский фунт
  • 1.000 JOD
    Иорданский динар
    Иорданский динар
  • 1.000 AED
    Дирхам ОАЭ
    Дирхам ОАЭ
  • 1.000 IQD
    Иракский динар
    Иракский динар
  • 1.000 DZD
    Алжирский динар
    Алжирский динар
  • 1.000 SAR
    Саудовский риал
    Саудовский риал