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Hadrian's Archaeological Gate

  • 2020-04-16 09:04 AM
  • Туризм и путешествия в Анталии, Турция

Hadrian's Gate 

One of Antalya's most famous tourist attractions, which can't be missed by a visitor, decides to visit the old town of Kalichi, where the town is famous for its wide-sized gates at the city's eastern entrance, and hadrian's gate is the most famous of all, with its unique marble design derived from Roman art and culture, with ornate ceilings and three arches surrounded by a series of huge towers.

The arched marble gate, now a tourist attraction, a magnificent promenade and an ideal location for photography dates back to 130 AD, and was created to celebrate the visit of Roman Emperor Hadrian to the ancient Turkish city of Antalya.


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    Английский фунт
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    Саудовский риал