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The most important natural caves in Antalya

  • 2020-04-17 02:04 AM
  • Туризм и путешествия в Анталии, Турция

Antalya Caves

It is one of the most prominent and popular factors of polarization for tourists:

The 60-meter-long Conak Alt-Foldcave is connected to the sea, making it known as the "Sea Cave". The eastern parts are flooded while the west contains pools of water formed by the waves that hit them continuously.

The 74-metre-long Kochok Debsis Cave features rising and falling rock ends and high humidity as water falls from the roof.

The 149-metre-long Babacayasi Cave does not contain any pools or accumulations of water, while The Gorlik Cave needs a ladder to descend from the cave's crater, which is about 25 meters high and filled with water in large quantities, especially in the spring, making it extremely difficult to walk using the boat.

The Jeek Bayeri Cave, which features some ancient Greek inscriptions and is known as Adak, was frequently used during ancient historical periods and is about 120 metres long, with a maximum depth of about 6.5 metres, compared to the entrance, and is considered completely dry during the summer months, while water levels rise during the rainy months of the year.

The city includes other caves such as Koga Dodin Cave, Insoyo, Blue, Soloin, Zaytoun, Tachi, etc.


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