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The history and culture of Antalya

  • 2020-05-07 01:05 AM
  • Туризм и путешествия в Анталии, Турция

The history and culture of Antalya:
Antalya's culture has a long history that still exists for the inhabitants of the region, and it is necessary to talk about this in-house culture to study many aspects, starting with the distinctive antalya #أطباق# which is the most prominent dish of tahini, garlic, walnuts and boiled beans, the "Army of Kvet" dish, which consists of spicy meatballs cooked around a stick, a spicy hips dish with mixed cumin, tahini and tanned kebabs, and white hamour is a common fish in local dishes.
This is in addition to the many festivals and events that have become an integral part of the region's life, including:
* Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival: The National Film Festival is usually held in September and October.
* Eurasia International Film Festival: An annual international film festival that is now part of the Golden Orange Festival.
* Antalya TV Awards: Awarded annually since 2009.
* Antalya Festival: Held in September.
* International Mediterranean Music Festival: six days from October.
* Antalya International Music and Dance Festival Competition: Last week of August.
* Aspendos International Festival of Opera and Ballet: Takes place in June and July.
* Sandland: Sand Arts Festival on Lara Beach

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