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tourist destination in Antalya "SakliKent Groove & Resort"  

  • 2020-06-17 09:06 AM
  • Туризм и путешествия в Анталии, Турция

A tourist destination in Antalya
"SakliKent Groove & Resort"

Saklikent Resort is the ski centre closest to Antalya, 50 km west of Antalya city centre and 60 km from Antalya Airport.

It is 2,400 meters above sea level. The ski season usually starts at the end of December and lasts until April.
The center provides all ski supplies, as well as training service for the exercise of this sport with the help of a number of supervisors and assistants.
It has a restaurant and a small hotel and its location near Antalya offers a unique experience, in the same day you can go from the sun and warm to snow skiing.

Доллар США
Доллар США
  • 0.959
  • 35.170
    Турецкая лира
    Турецкая лира
  • 0.795
    Английский фунт
    Английский фунт
  • 0.709 JOD
    Иорданский динар
    Иорданский динар
  • 3.673 AED
    Дирхам ОАЭ
    Дирхам ОАЭ
  • 1,309.629 IQD
    Иракский динар
    Иракский динар
  • 134.805 DZD
    Алжирский динар
    Алжирский динар
  • 3.757 SAR
    Саудовский риал
    Саудовский риал