• عربي
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    • Türk
    • Доллар СШАДоллар США
      • Доллар СШАДоллар США
      • ЕвроЕвро
      • Турецкая лираТурецкая лира
      • Английский фунтАнглийский фунт
      • Иорданский динарИорданский динар
      • Дирхам ОАЭДирхам ОАЭ
      • Иракский динарИракский динар
      • Алжирский динарАлжирский динар
      • Саудовский риалСаудовский риал

Kala Iggy:

  • 2020-06-17 09:06 AM
  • Туризм и путешествия в Анталии, Турция

Kala Iggy:
One of the most beautiful areas to visit in the city centre is the nucleus of Antalya and is surrounded by a two-wall edited wall
A large part of the neighborhood, which was named after the inner wall, was demolished, half a circle surrounding the yacht harbour.
Following the restoration work, Qala Aiji became a tourist center in her country.
Its cafés and markets, while the harbour is dedicated to yachts.

Due to the restoration and maintenance work in Qala Aiji, the Ministry of Tourism got 
Gold Apple Award (Oscar Tourism) in 1984
by Vigit.
When you enter The Age, you find yourself in a moment 100 years ago.
Most of the houses, most of which have been restored in their heritage style, invite you to visit them indoors. 
And each house has a room that is different from the other ones.
But she unites with orange trees and her lush gardens invite you to see her. 
And you won't feel the taste of comfort and holiday pleasure.
Only when you visit the cafés and restaurants of these houses. 

Доллар США
Доллар США
  • 1.000
  • 1.000
    Турецкая лира
    Турецкая лира
  • 1.000
    Английский фунт
    Английский фунт
  • 1.000 JOD
    Иорданский динар
    Иорданский динар
  • 1.000 AED
    Дирхам ОАЭ
    Дирхам ОАЭ
  • 1.000 IQD
    Иракский динар
    Иракский динар
  • 1.000 DZD
    Алжирский динар
    Алжирский динар
  • 1.000 SAR
    Саудовский риал
    Саудовский риал