• عربي
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      • Турецкая лираТурецкая лира
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Festivals in Antalya

  • 2020-05-15 01:05 AM
  • Туризм и путешествия в Анталии, Турция

Golden Orange Festival

Turkey is famous for its distinctive film and film industry, and many film festivals are held from time to time, the most important of which is the Golden Orange Festival, which is held in Antalya, Turkey in the summer, if you are a fan of Turkish cinema, we advise you to visit this wonderful festival, which is considered one of the most important festivals organized under the auspices of the Foundation for Culture and Arts in Antalya, and the festival is held at the famous Konyalti Theatre and many wonderful awards are awarded to the festival, including a prize of one million. The festival was first held in 1964, and then was presented for 10 consecutive years in the summer, and the Golden Orange Festival attracts a lot of people who are interested in the field of Turkish cinema and film in general, and tourists from all over the world come to watch the festival's events and paragraphs in which artists are honored and awarded outstanding awards for various winning films.


Доллар США
Доллар США
  • 0.959
  • 35.170
    Турецкая лира
    Турецкая лира
  • 0.796
    Английский фунт
    Английский фунт
  • 0.709 JOD
    Иорданский динар
    Иорданский динар
  • 3.673 AED
    Дирхам ОАЭ
    Дирхам ОАЭ
  • 1,304.740 IQD
    Иракский динар
    Иракский динар
  • 134.805 DZD
    Алжирский динар
    Алжирский динар
  • 3.756 SAR
    Саудовский риал
    Саудовский риал