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Antalya Cuisine: Mediterranean Flavours

  • 2021-08-30 10:08 AM
  • Туризм и путешествия в Анталии, Турция

The variety of life sides in Antalya is reflected through the cultural richness of social appearances, as food. As civilization is represented by language and history, the culture of any nation lays in folklore, food and clothes.

We will cover the culture, and types of food that are related to Antalya.

Antalya as a Mediterranean city, follows the flavours and culture of Mediterranean cuisine . Using olive oil and herbs is essential. . As for dishes, they follow the Turkish cuisine adding special ingredients..

As a starter, Antalya cuisine has an endless menu of appetizers, soups, on one side, varies according to the ingredients, soups usually are made by cooking vegetables. Some are cooked using meat and yogurt like Hülüklü Soup, others are prepared using legumes, like lentil soup..On the other side, salads are favorite. Salads are made by many vegetables and flavored with lemon, vinegar and olive oil, Tauros Salad with grilled eggplants is an example

The main course dishes comes after the starters, . Vegetables and meat kinds are essential. There are dishes in which they cook different kinds of vegetables. Others depend on stuffing them with rice (dolma).and cooking them in olive oil. . Luxury dishes depend on roasting rice-stuffed lamb ribs are considerable. Fish is a common ingredient in all Mediterranean countries. For that a vast list of dish and seafood is made. Salmon, crab, shrimps and  Masters are prepared., The visitors must not miss the stuffed oysters by the sea shore.

The flavour can''t be felt without tasting desserts. Trying Arabic Kadayif or traditional kunefe is fun. As for the lovers of cakes, Balkan cake (Trilishte )with fluffy and moiety layers, is a good choice.

Don't forget to drink a glass of tea or a cup of Turkish or Ottoman coffee to end this festival of colors and flavours  

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