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A Place Story: Alanya The Smile Of The Sun

  • 2021-08-30 08:08 AM
  • Туризм и путешествия в Анталии, Турция

Alanya, where the sun smiles, where the long roads steep to embrace the sea, where the mountains proudly stand in the background.

In a small peninsula, Alanya is located .133 km to the east of Antalya, the city occupies an important site.

It has been inhabited for thousands of years. Civilization and occupation forces passed the city and engraved ruins in its land 

Alanya lived a golden era , when the Seljuks under the rule of Aladdin Kaykubad , who by the way give his name to the city (Alayie) . the city changed the name only in the thirties of the last century. Sultan Aladdin declared the city as his winter capital. For that, he built many defensive buildings to protect the city. The Castle with long walls, the Red Tower, and the Arsenal were notable.

Tourism in Alanya is a main source of the economy due to natural and historic characteristics. It occupies an advanced rank in the sector of Tourism. As well, , it dominates the market of real estate purchases in Turkey with 30%of purchases for foreigners. We shouldn't forget the efforts of To Antalya Real Estate Company in getting tourists and customers to know about investment choices in Alanya . 

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