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Turkey is the tenth in the world in the field of air transport...

  • 2019-02-09 12:23 PM
  • Бизнес и инвестиции в Турции

Turkish Minister of Communications, Communication and maritime transport Ahmed Arslan said his country ranks tenth in air transport among the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) countries.

The minister made the remarks during the 39th session of the General Assembly of the International Organization, held in Montreal, Canada, which saw the elections of the ICAO Council.

"One of our priorities is to increase Turkey's effectiveness as a country that has reached this advanced level of air transport at the International Civil Aviation Organization," Arslan said.

He noted that the Turkish Government has attached great importance to the Civil air transport sector since 2003, taking into account its strategic position, the size of the economy and the potential of tourism.

The minister said the number of air carriers in Turkey reached 35 million passengers a year in 2003, before rising to 181 million in 2015. 

At the level of overseas flights, it reached about 282 trips to different destinations around the world at the moment, after it was 60 in 2003. 

The number of Turkish passenger planes increased from 162 to 538, while the number of airports in the country increased from 26 in 2003 to 55 last year. 

The number of employees working in the Civil air transport sector in Turkey reached more than 190 thousand, and the total annual revenues of the same sector amounted to $23 billion dollars, to become the air transport sector one of Turkey's strategic areas in the field of tourism, and communication with the world.

In 2003, the country held Atvakiat air transport with 81 countries, which currently stood at 166, indicating that Turkey ranked sixth in the world in terms of tourists ' preference to go and vacation. 

The minister noted that his country is continuing the construction of the third airport in Istanbul, which is witnessing heavy air traffic to meet the growing needs in this area, explaining that the new airport to be opened in the first quarter of 2018 will be the largest airport in the world receives 150 million passengers a year.

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), founded in the city of Montreal in 1947 with a total of 191 countries, is a specialized agency of the United Nations, which sets out global principles and recommendations for international civil aviation.

Saudi Arabia won the elections of the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) at the 39th General Assembly meeting held in Montreal, Canada, on Monday.

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