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Best in Turkey.

  • 2019-02-27 12:02 PM
  • Туризм и путешествия в Анталии, Турция

Best of Achakat in Turkey

7 Exotic Turkish dishes:

Rams (Koç's Yumutası):

During the disappearance of the Eid al-Adha. Where cattle and sheep are sacrificed and slaughtered, they are cut off and their meat distributed to the poor, needy, friends and family.

. It offers a wonderful grilled way and can also be boiled

FOGs (Membar)

The Turks have abundant dishes from things that some might see should be discarded, and one of those things is a popular dish in Turkey and from the foods scattered in the streets popularly known as Kokresh

This dish is the intestines of cattle stuffed with rice and other ingredients and spices and then fried and then cut into small pieces and offer a cabbage or a small skewer with lettuce, salad and tomatoes. It's the favorite dish on the street.

Chicken Dessert (Tavuk göğsü):

Dish the jusu, with the dish-makers around to imagine that the chicken is a dessert or sweets and it is like a pudding dessert dish,

It is one of the famous recipes that have existed since the Ottoman era

. Here the chicken is boiled until its fibers melt completely. A special Turkish chef tells you that it is impossible to feel the chicken flavor with the dish.

Wet burgers (Islak Burger):

The wet burgers are well-known in Taksim area of Istanbul. To eliminate the effect of beverages and absorb them from my stomach is a wet burger it is gorgeous and must be tried at least once. This is where the burgers are flooded with oil-soaked tomatoes, garlic sauce and in bread and displayed in a glass steam closet. (Trip Advisors)

Eggs with yoghurt with paprika (Çılbır):

The genesis of that dish dates back to the age of the Ottoman Empire, and many Turks say that the meal of Shilber (Çılbır) is the perfect comfortable snack. And personally, the ingredients of that egg dish on yogurt remind me of a lot of chaos and liquids unless they are cooked. The dish of egg yolk which is in liquid condition with some cohesion and melted with yoghurt and paprika. All those flavors blend well together. There are other types of garlic sauce and pour the melted butter over it.

Turkish Kofta Raw (Çiğ köfte):

They are often compared to the steak or the Armenian kofta (Che kofta), but the raw Turkish kofta is a distinctive mixture of lamb or minced raw beef with herbs and spices formed in the form of balls or small pieces and served with lemon, lettuce rolls and bulgur Chopped also can be added to mix onion and tomato paste. More recently, concern has been expressed about the safety and eating of meat, but in southeastern Turkey, especially Sanliurfa, the region specializes in this meal and continues to be eaten as a snack and appetizing

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