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The Ulaanbaatar cable car in Antalya.

  • 2019-05-18 01:05 AM
  • Туризм и путешествия в Анталии, Турция

-Olympus Tilevik – Olympos Teleferi

At the top of the Taurus mountains surrounding Antalya rises from the sea surface about 2365 meters, and Mount Olympus is the closest mount to beach in the Taurus mountain range. The base is located in the area of Takrova – Kemer "Kemer, Tekorva", which is approximately 60 km away from Antalya and Kemer is 15 km away from the main street, 7 km towards the foot of the mountain.

The length of the journey from the starting station to the top of the mountain is 4359 meters and is considered to be the longest in the world and the journey takes about 10 minutes in a comfortable cart for 80 people designed and manufactured in Switzerland.

The cable car was inaugurated in 2007 and is one of the main landmarks of the Antalya region.

Temperatures drop 10-15 degrees Celsius from shore and snow continues on top of the mountain until the end of the spring or early summer, the scenery during the journey and on the peaks of the mountain of the most beautiful that your eyes can fall into a magnificent panorama of the scenery, the Antalya region and the Taurus mountain range. The cable car station on the top of the mountain has a café, restaurant and souvenir shop. The cable car works throughout the year with some exceptions during the bad weather, and the operating hours start at 9 am in the summer and 10 am during the winter.

, the best time to enjoy snow is in the spring but you must take precautions in clothes.

The fare is 50 TL and for children under the age of 16 (25 lire) and for free. Kiss your Face to Olympus Tilevick. Make sure it opens for visitors that day, especially during winter and spring.

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