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History of Antalya

  • 2020-06-19 09:06 AM
  • Туризм и путешествия в Анталии, Турция


:Antalya throughout history
In 1973, the High Commission for Turkish Archaeological Sites described the ancient city of Antalya as a protected archaeological site

The Old City has 127 walls, a tower, a mosque, wells and about 356 houses that have been classified as architectural examples, all of which are listed as the Heritage Of The Calyci dating back to the 4th century BC

In the middle of the second century BC, in Atalos, king of Bergama, a Hellenistic-style city in Antalya, then the city was under Roman rule

In the early 13th century, ibn Battuta visited and talked about it between 1340 and 1350, describing it, its inhabitants and neighborhoods

Walking through the streets of the Old City, you feel like you've entered the tunnel of time, where thousands of years go back
The old city is like a time machine or mosaic of multiple civilizations, and houses some 3,000 houses classified as unique architectural models

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    Английский фунт
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    Иорданский динар
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    Дирхам ОАЭ
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    Иракский динар
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    Алжирский динар
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    Саудовский риал