Antalya's most beautiful gardens

  • 2020-04-08 07:04 AM
  • Turism

Caraleglo Park Antalya was established on the slopes, which gave it a charming view where people go young and old in order to relax and enjoy its beautiful view, where there are a lot of games that bring joy and pleasure to children and it is one of the most beautiful and largest parks in Antalya.

In addition to the enchanting spread of wonderful flowers, covered in colorful flowers with gradient colors, intertwining and unique that spread throughout the garden, a beautiful fragrance attracts birds and birds to stand on tall trees singing the sweetest melodies and provides many places for hiking and relaxation in the embrace of charming nature.

Caraleglo Park includes many affordable tea gardens, in addition to monuments and museums, such as the Municipal Theater, the Museum of Civil History, the Governor's Office, and an ancient fort overlooking the Roman harbor and the Gulf of Antalya

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