The most important areas of Antalya

  • 2020-04-18 07:04 AM
  • Turism

Belek has become turkey's most popular tourist hub in recent years and annually hosts thousands of visitors, under the slogan "The New Destination for Tourism".

Located in antalya state, on the Mediterranean coast, 30 km from the eastern side of Antalya province, Belek has been selected by the Ministry of Tourism as a tourist model, a true paradise for tourists on the White Sea coast, in the midst of its pine forests.

The natural beauty of Belek was discovered in 1984, and Belek was declared the first tourist centre in the region, with the perfect atmosphere for beaches, sports activities, and at the beginning of March, visitors can come to Belek, enjoy bathing in the sea and sun, surfing, water skiing, sailing and diving.


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