Oulu Pinar Restaurant  

  • 2020-04-28 08:04 AM
  • Turism

Oulu Pinar Restaurant

It is situated in the embrace of the picturesque nature west of Antalya- Kemer.
It offers fresh and delicious seafood, meat dishes and grills with special sessions and an atmosphere full of harmony and pleasure. This restaurant is a favourite place for those who prefer the delicious taste of fish, and it has amazing decorations and sessions over the water and a stunning landscape.

Open daily from 2am to 10pm

Amerikan Doları
Amerikan Doları
  • 0.921
  • 36.609
    Türk Lirası
    Türk Lirası
  • 0.772
    İngiliz Sterlini
    İngiliz Sterlini
  • 0.709 JOD
    Ürdün Dinarı
    Ürdün Dinarı
  • 3.673 AED
    BAE Dirhemi
    BAE Dirhemi
  • 1,309.860 IQD
    Irak Dinarı
    Irak Dinarı
  • 133.716 DZD
    Cezayir Dinarı
    Cezayir Dinarı
  • 3.751 SAR
    Suudi Riyali
    Suudi Riyali