Karalyoglu Park

  • 2020-06-20 06:06 AM
  • Turism

Karalioglu Park:
The Roman Fortress of Hederlik in Karalyoglu Park
One of Antalya's best and most ideal tourist sites for all-time family outings throughout the year, thanks to its trees and vast green spaces, it offers a stunning landscape and a plentiful summer day, with walking trails and recreation in these stunning views, available even during the night, and quiet, relaxing and relaxing sessions in the arms of unspoiled nature.
For those who love to visit archaeological sites and photography enthusiasts, they can achieve their goals at antalya's most famous park by visiting the Roman fort hederlik overlooking antalya's ancient port, where they can enjoy a stunning coastal panoramic view of the beautiful city from the top of the towering fort, which is about 14 metres high.

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