Tourist submarine in Antalya

  • 2020-06-17 08:06 AM
  • Turism

"Cruise Submarine"

The 22-passenger Nemo Primo cruise submarine, designed to develop tourist tours in Antalya's Mediterranean business.
The tourist submarine can dive up to 110 meters deep, and we aim to take out 70,000 local and foreign tourists during the season to explore the depths of the sea. This pioneering idea reflects the development of tourism in Antalya and the attraction of Arab and foreign tourists from around the world.
It is 18 metres long, 4 metres wide, weighs 106 tons, is powered by electricity, and the submarine can walk for 10 hours underwater.
The submarine Nemo Primo sails from the ancient port of Antalya, fulfilling the dream of local and foreign tourists to see the beauty of the depths of the Mediterranean sea and its blue waters.

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