Granting citizenship to Syrians and speeding up access to them

  • 2020-07-25 11:07 AM
  • Ekonomik sürümler

Media sources revealed orders received by the immigration directorates in the states where they announced the granting of exceptional citizenship to Syrians, with the aim of "speeding up the process of granting citizenship to Syrians" according to the information received

"There are orders to speed up the process of granting citizenship to Syrian refugees, in addition to facilitating the procedures by which citizenship is granted," he was quoted as saying by The Bildi News

He added: "One witness (Syrian refugee) in Mersin state stated that during his review of the immigration building in the city, a staff member asked him about his testimony, and the refugee replied that he had an institute certificate in Syria, and the employee asked him to bring the certificate and register on the application for Turkish citizenship according to the source

"Witnesses in the eastern state of Diyarbakir confirmed that during their review of the immigration and passport building, they were surprised by the presence of staff and a special office to apply for citizenship and its procedures, knowing that in the past it was even forbidden to talk about the status of nationality inside the building

According to the website, other Syrian refugees received calls from the governor's office in Diyarbakir informing them that their citizenship papers had already begun, and that they had to meet with the governor, and that this was also done in Gaziantep, Adana and Mersin provinces

"Others stated that in their review of immigration services, employees were asked to bring their papers and certificates in order to apply for citizenship in a move that did not exist previously in these departments, where, according to these recent positive developments, tens of thousands of Syrians whose files were suspended at certain stages will soon move

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