(A Place Story (Aspendos -السياحة والسفر في أنطاليا تركيا

  • 2021-07-14 07:07 AM
  • Turism

Antalya is the home of many civilizations throughout it's long history .Civilizations were deeply engraved in the land of Antalya .Aspendos was one of these ruins .Aspendos was built by the Greeks .The city gained glory thanks to trade and commerce that flourished in Aspendos One of the most exceptional ruin in Aspendos ;the Roman Amphitheatre. It was used for different purposes due to the declination of the importance of the city .This lasted until our modern time when the theatre restored position as a host of International Opera and Ballet Film Festival .Aspendos Is located 44 km east of Antalya City .

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