The hotels of the southern capital, "Antalya", still host a large number of earthquake victims

  • 2023-03-26 10:03 AM
  • Turism

The hotels of the southern capital, "Antalya", still host a large number of earthquake victims, which amount to about (200) and have received in the peak period more than (85) thousand guests, and with the approach of the tourist season, measures are being sought to ensure the eligibility of guests and the interest of the host hotels.


To Antalya Real Estate Company 

((We put Antalya in your hands))

Amerikan Doları
Amerikan Doları
  • 0.969
  • 35.356
    Türk Lirası
    Türk Lirası
  • 0.809
    İngiliz Sterlini
    İngiliz Sterlini
  • 0.709 JOD
    Ürdün Dinarı
    Ürdün Dinarı
  • 3.673 AED
    BAE Dirhemi
    BAE Dirhemi
  • 1,310.000 IQD
    Irak Dinarı
    Irak Dinarı
  • 135.633 DZD
    Cezayir Dinarı
    Cezayir Dinarı
  • 3.754 SAR
    Suudi Riyali
    Suudi Riyali