MZT has rewritten the names of the Turkish provinces

  • 2023-09-29 03:09 AM
  • Türkiye'de iş ve yatırım

Following the escalating impact of artificial intelligence technologies, which has become tangible in all aspects of life, a national company called MZ_T has rewritten the names of the Turkish provinces as the most famous thing that can be described by it, thus becoming the new name of Antalya according to artificial intelligence, turquoise, which indicates its position on the throne of tourist outlets overlooking the Mediterranean.


To Antalya Real Estate Company 

((We put Antalya in your hands))

Amerikan Doları
Amerikan Doları
  • 0.971
  • 35.514
    Türk Lirası
    Türk Lirası
  • 0.820
    İngiliz Sterlini
    İngiliz Sterlini
  • 0.709 JOD
    Ürdün Dinarı
    Ürdün Dinarı
  • 3.673 AED
    BAE Dirhemi
    BAE Dirhemi
  • 1,310.000 IQD
    Irak Dinarı
    Irak Dinarı
  • 135.661 DZD
    Cezayir Dinarı
    Cezayir Dinarı
  • 3.754 SAR
    Suudi Riyali
    Suudi Riyali