Company to Antalya offers...

  • 2019-03-02 09:03 AM
  • Şirket teklifleri

Company to Antalya deals

1 = 10 + 1? 
With every single apartment win ten + one? Only from ANTALYA
1-Reception from the airport 2-hotel reservation 40% off the best hotels in Antalya 3-ASTEKSHAVIH tour of Antalya tourist attractions 4-extracting a tax number for the buyer and all his family members 5. Opening of a bank account 6-Internet subscription for the apartment for a full year with the Router 7-LCD Screen 8- 9-Water meter for apartment 10-cost of transporting and installing furniture for the apartment + 1-either a 2% discount on the purchase value or the price of a roundtrip plane ticket to Antalya the offer includes everyone who calls before coming to Antalya. Full month of offer from date of publication all Antalya offers are available N to ANTALYA but with rebates win and callZakaria al-Abed 00905372465166
Mohammed Aziz 00905384080409 00905347995567 Ibrahim Aita


Amerikan Doları
Amerikan Doları
  • 0.921
  • 36.609
    Türk Lirası
    Türk Lirası
  • 0.772
    İngiliz Sterlini
    İngiliz Sterlini
  • 0.709 JOD
    Ürdün Dinarı
    Ürdün Dinarı
  • 3.673 AED
    BAE Dirhemi
    BAE Dirhemi
  • 1,309.860 IQD
    Irak Dinarı
    Irak Dinarı
  • 133.716 DZD
    Cezayir Dinarı
    Cezayir Dinarı
  • 3.751 SAR
    Suudi Riyali
    Suudi Riyali