What the Turkish people distinguish from customs and traditions...

  • 2019-03-02 10:03 AM
  • Turism

What the Turkish people distinguish from customs and traditions

-Don't leave early:

The Turks enjoy long-time visits that last until midnight and drink (tea) during the night, either stretch on the couch with the children or stay seated and awake late.

-Adults First:

In Turkey, older persons are treated with full respect. Before you enter, you must allow the older person to pass first, and if you are not sure that it is the largest, just allow the person closest to you, and the ways of respect for the elderly to have a simple bow when they are received, many Turks kissing the hands of older people, and will not be expected to meet On this.

Bring a Gift

From the distinctive Turkish customs bring a gift no matter how simple it is but from their habits enter the house with bringing them to a gift:

Sweet pancakes are also a common gift, and sweets as well, there may be children, huh?

Dinner on my account:

One of the customs of hospitality in Turkey is that the host pays the account, in fact the principle of sharing and participating in the bill is a very strange idea in the Turkish society, and if you advance to pay the account or offer it, your request will be politely rejected. All you can do about this is to thank your host and then invite him to return this favor.

Water to bring luck:

In Turkey, spraying salt over your shoulder – as a Turkish habit – will ensure a seamless journey. When someone embarks on a journey, you must pour the water behind him or behind his car, saying in Turkish: "Su gibi git, gel," meaning "go and return such water "

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  • 0.921
  • 36.609
    Türk Lirası
    Türk Lirası
  • 0.772
    İngiliz Sterlini
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  • 0.709 JOD
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  • 3.673 AED
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  • 1,309.860 IQD
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