Archaeological towers in the Old City...

  • 2019-03-06 11:03 AM
  • Turism

Archaeological towers in the Old City: Antalya is filled with monuments and archaeological cities that express the authenticity of the area. The Old City of Kalici is a habitat for many of the Calabraj built in different eras, such as the Hidirlik Tower, which is located at the intersection of Kalici with the park "Kara to Oglu" and means in Arabic "ibn Ali Black Park ". This tower was built in the Hellenistic period and used in the Roman era for defensive purposes or As a beacon in the 2nd century BC. It consists of two layers of the first square shape and the top is circular in shape. The second tower is the clock tower, the only tower of the 80 towers that were in the past the Castle towers and is an entrance to Kalici and features the construction of a two-layer square and a door that leads the That small room leads to a narrow staircase up to the top of the tower. The tower was used as a beacon.

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