Marriage habits in Antalya

  • 2019-03-07 08:03 AM
  • Turism

Marriage habits in Antalya
 The peoples are distinguished by their culture of food, drink, dress and music, and this extends to social habits, including marriage.

Turkey is characterized by marriage habits that vary from the east to the west and from the north to the south, depending on the geographical nature and different ethnicities residing there.

In rural areas, customs are more conservative than cities. Betrothal and marriage are traditionally done as is customary and in the presence of parents. The wedding night is preceded by the night of the bride is Henna night. It is funny that when a girl's hand is asked by her parents, the bride prepares coffee cups for everyone, but the salt is placed in the groom's Cup and he must accept it and not show his feelings. The cooperation between the two families is done to secure the requirements of the wedding and the house and its necessities.

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