For lovers of excitement and beauty the grotto of Donpenessa is an underground paradise...

  • 2019-03-07 10:03 AM
  • Turism

The "Eli qarlar " Grotto "Dobenessa " is an important center of tourism at the level of Turkey as called the "underground Paradise".

Located south-west of the village of "Durat Dora " In the Kaza of "Demir koi ", the "Dobenisa grotto " is a charming tourist coming to visit from within and outside the country.

The grotto is 58 km from "Qarqallar Eli " and 230 km from Istanbul.
This cave was formed in the second geological age, which is 2720 meters in length, 345 meters above sea level, and has 3 entrances with a water spring which at the end is a river called "Roza " which separates the Turkish border from the Bulgarian.

It consists of 3 sections: the first is dry and the second is watery, and the third is called the "Cave of the Girl ", which is not open to tourists because it is a shelter for 11 species of bats, estimated at 60,000 bats, and opened 250 meters of the cave water and 200 meters from the dry cave for tourist visits.

In the first four months of this year, the cave visited 17,000 and 325 tourists, a candidate for the increase in the tourist season, especially in the summer.

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